Sunday, October 21, 2007

Competency 6 - Database Searches

Search Strategy: Successive Fractions

Database--Library Lit

Query: How school libraries are involved in motivating students to read.

I began the search with the term (school library) which yielded 22,391 hits. With too many hits to review, I narrowed the search by applying a limiter 'Peer Reviewed'. The search was narrowed drastically to 3,142 hits. By combining facets S1 and S2 and S3 the yielded results were relevant to my topic.

S1 school library = 3,142 hits.
S2 school library and motivation = 21 hits
S3 school library and motivation and children = 3 hits

Results >>>

Search Strategy: Building Block

Database--Academic Premier Complete

This search began with the first facet yielding 594 hits. I then added a limiter to narrow the search 'Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals'.

Facet 1 children reading or student reading
Facet 2 motivations or interests
Facet 3 school library or school or library

By combining all three facets I received results pertinent to my topic.

Results >>>

Search Strategy: Citation Pearl Growing

Database: ERIC

I began with a basic search using the terms (children and reading and habits and school library. The search yielded 46 hits.

From these results I chose the article, "Understanding Reading" written by Barbara Kiefer because it included items relevant to my topic of interest.

I performed another search with the descriptors from the Kiefer article "reading habits" and "school libraries." I also included AU=Kiefer, Barbara, which yielded the same article and no other hits. I then went back to the Kiefer article and applied "Find More Like This" resulting in 56 hits.

Results >>>

Best Results:

The Reading Connection: Bringing Parents, Teachers, and Librarians Together. By: Knowles, Elizabeth; Smith, Martha. 1997 118 pp. (ED409014)

25 and One-Half Simple Things You Can Do To Get Kids Reading. . By: Penn, Matthew. Library Talk, v13 n3 p15-17 May-Jun 2000. (EJ613316)


Search Strategy: Specific Facet First


I began the search with the facet (elementary librar* and school library and librar*)which I beleived would yield the fewest items. Limiters were selected to narrow the search. The limiters I selected included 'English' for language, 'Articles', and 'Relevance'. I did not have to continue adding additional facets as the search resulted in 3 hits all pertinent to my topic.

Results >>>

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