Monday, September 24, 2007

Competency 4 -- RSS Feed

I chose an RSS feed from Just One More Book which lists information related to my topic of children's and young adults literature. The feed is as new as information is received. The feed lists provide information on book reviews, author interviews, and podcasts. Anyone can subscribe for free and feeds are updated daily.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Competency #3 -- Podcast

This podcast is an interview with Lauren Collen on my topic of children's and young adult literature and school libaries.,channel&expand=true&filter=1&num=10&dedupe=1&start=0&mc=en-all&il=en&col=en-all-public-ep&q=children%27s+literature+%2Bschool+libraries&res=46578770&e=10338013&index=7

Lauren Collen is a public librarian working on becoming a school librarian. In one of her library science classes she researched how children respond to digital books during story time instead of using traditional books. Based on her findings Collen found that when using digital books children were more attentive, asked more questions about the text, and the illustrations. There seemed to be more interaction and valuable visual and verbal opportunities for children. Collen asserts that if groups are too large during story time not all children will benefit because they can't often see what is going on. In her research Collen came across an organization called the International Childrens Digital Libraries. There are presently 2,000 children's digital books online and a goal to reach 10,000. The service is free. The website for the digital library is

I used Everyzing for the podcast search engine and the label: “children’s literature and school libraries”

I am also including a great website filled with an array of podcasts from well-known authors in the literary world. The podcasts are easy to access, exciting and there is an archive dating back to July 2006.

One More Book

An Official Excerpt from the Website

One More Book is thrice-weekly podcast which promotes and celebrates literacy and great children’s books. Each weekday morning, we take a few minutes out of our morning coffee ritual to discuss one of our many favourite children’s books.

Through this podcast and its website, we are building a lively, interactive community linking children’s book authors, illustrators, readers (parents and children) and publishers.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Competency #2 -- Blog

For this competency I chose Blogdigger to search for a children’s book blog. After reviewing a few blogs I found JacketFlap which I enjoyed reading. There is an enormous amount on information useful to different libraries and librarians. There are blogs, links, book reviews, and articles on an array of children’s topics. Other great features are the technology blogs containing tech information discussed in our class. Pownce, facebook, and youtube were a few of the World 2.0 topics mentioned.


What is it? JacketFlap has become the world's largest and most comprehensive resource for information on the children's book industry. Writers, illustrators, librarians, agents, editors, publicists, and publishers visit JacketFlap every day.

Categories: All | Writer | Agent | Publisher | Editor | Librarian | Bookseller | Reviews | Illustrator | News | Industry

Today's Popular topics in Children's Literature Blogs

A-Featured, art, artists, authors, Awards, book review, book reviews, Books, children's books, Comics, Events, General, illustration, Illustration Friday, Interviews, Jessica Hoshi, kidlit, Life, Madeleine L'Engle, movies, Music, Poetry, Poetry Friday, Publishing, reading, Remainders, Reviews, SFG: Tattoo, The Tree Shores High School Band Room

The Children's Book Resource

Search our Database of 860,000+ CHILDREN'S BOOKS
Discuss Books on our Members' BOOKSHELVES
Get Published by one of 20,000+ BOOK PUBLISHERS
Read 500+ Children's Publishing BLOGS
Network with PEOPLE in the publishing industry

The information on jacketflap was taken directly from the bog strictly to be used for this project.

The blog URL is and I found it using Blogdigger.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Competency #1

This blog has been created in order to fulfill a college course requirement through Texas Woman's University.

I have chosen children and young adult literature as a topic of interest. The topic coincides with a class I am currently taking which requires I expand my familiarity with these types of books as well as their authors. My goal is to become a teacher-librarian by next fall in an elementary setting.