Sunday, October 21, 2007

Competency 6 - Database Searches

Search Strategy: Successive Fractions

Database--Library Lit

Query: How school libraries are involved in motivating students to read.

I began the search with the term (school library) which yielded 22,391 hits. With too many hits to review, I narrowed the search by applying a limiter 'Peer Reviewed'. The search was narrowed drastically to 3,142 hits. By combining facets S1 and S2 and S3 the yielded results were relevant to my topic.

S1 school library = 3,142 hits.
S2 school library and motivation = 21 hits
S3 school library and motivation and children = 3 hits

Results >>>

Search Strategy: Building Block

Database--Academic Premier Complete

This search began with the first facet yielding 594 hits. I then added a limiter to narrow the search 'Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals'.

Facet 1 children reading or student reading
Facet 2 motivations or interests
Facet 3 school library or school or library

By combining all three facets I received results pertinent to my topic.

Results >>>

Search Strategy: Citation Pearl Growing

Database: ERIC

I began with a basic search using the terms (children and reading and habits and school library. The search yielded 46 hits.

From these results I chose the article, "Understanding Reading" written by Barbara Kiefer because it included items relevant to my topic of interest.

I performed another search with the descriptors from the Kiefer article "reading habits" and "school libraries." I also included AU=Kiefer, Barbara, which yielded the same article and no other hits. I then went back to the Kiefer article and applied "Find More Like This" resulting in 56 hits.

Results >>>

Best Results:

The Reading Connection: Bringing Parents, Teachers, and Librarians Together. By: Knowles, Elizabeth; Smith, Martha. 1997 118 pp. (ED409014)

25 and One-Half Simple Things You Can Do To Get Kids Reading. . By: Penn, Matthew. Library Talk, v13 n3 p15-17 May-Jun 2000. (EJ613316)


Search Strategy: Specific Facet First


I began the search with the facet (elementary librar* and school library and librar*)which I beleived would yield the fewest items. Limiters were selected to narrow the search. The limiters I selected included 'English' for language, 'Articles', and 'Relevance'. I did not have to continue adding additional facets as the search resulted in 3 hits all pertinent to my topic.

Results >>>

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Competency 5 -- Tagging

I chose Across Cultures: A Guide to Multiculture Literature for Children by Kathy East. The book relates to my topic of children's and young adult literature. I believe it is important for children to foster an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of different traditions, cultures, and people.

Tags used to describe the book.

children's literature(1) diversity(1) multiculturalism(1) Multiculture Lit(1)